
Greg Wolverton

Last Update 3 jaar geleden uses Microsoft Services to enhance security and the user experience. Microsoft (Azure) Services is an ever-expanding set of cloud services that allows us to build, manage and deploy our applications on a global, highly secure network that is compliant with all required government regulations. If you require more information, we encourage you to contact us via our Help tool.

This document explains the Healthcare Communities registration process. The registration process varies depending on the email address you use to register. Your email address will be your username on the website.

If you register with a gmail address, you will be using the password you normally use when accessing Gmail.

If you register with an email address that is connected to Microsoft Services (e.g. a work address at a company that uses SharePoint Online), you will use the password you normally use when accessing that account.

If you register using an email address that is not already connected to Microsoft Services (e.g. a yahoo address or a work address that does not use Microsoft), you will be asked to set up a Microsoft account.

Are you unsure whether you have a Microsoft Services account? If you do not have one, the system will prompt you to set up a Microsoft account. If you do have one, the system will recognize your email address and ask you for your Microsoft password. If necessary, you can use the “Forgot Password” link to reset your Microsoft password but you should be aware that this will change the password for your work email account and other services that use Microsoft. You may be asked to reenter your new password the next time you log in to your email account.

Click the link below for your registration type

Register with a Gmail address

Register with a Microsoft Services email address

Register with an email address not connected to Microsoft Services

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